Individual Coaching

What you can expect:

  • Assistance in creating a wellness plan
  • Support in setting life-enhancing goals
  • Discussion and discovery regarding obstacles to adhering to goals
  • Receive non-judgemental support to reach your goals.
Individual Coaching

Areas of Coaching:

  • Overall Wellness in the areas of — happiness, health, spirituality, relationships, personal development, personal finances, professional life, contribution, and learning.
  • Achieving higher levels of satisfaction and performance by working to optimize all areas of Wellness
  • Unlocking self-limiting beliefs and barriers through transformational practices and activities.
  • Specializations in areas of eating psychology, high performance techniques (upgrading mind, body, and energy), mindfulness, stress reduction practices, life balance, caregivers of special needs family members, and conscious sexuality.

Coaching begins with an initial assessment that is free of charge. Once the coaching relationship commences, it is recommended that it continue for a minimum of three months. Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling. The services provided by the coach are in-person or via phone or Skype, as designed jointly with the client. All sessions are strictly confidential. The client and coach agree to provide each other with fourteen-day notice in advance of changing over to an as-needed relationship.

Contact: Wendy Crowley

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